Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Empowering leaders with the courage, tools, and hope to ignite a revival of Christian leadership. In each episode of the Texas Leadership Summit Podcast, leaders bring you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and others. You’ll learn practical ways to grow as a leader, get involved in your community, lead your family, and grow your faith.
Texas Leadership Summit Podcast
Standing on Principles and Truth: The Key to Effective Leadership with Kevin McGary
Kevin McGary, founder of Every Black Life Matters, shares his life experiences and passion for leadership. He discusses his upbringing in San Francisco during the civil rights movement and his journey to becoming a conservative. McGary emphasizes the importance of standing on principles and truth, even in the face of pushback. He also highlights the goals of Every Black Life Matters, including promoting racial unity, providing online training on diversity and inclusion, and countering the influence of Marxist ideologies in society. In this conversation, Tim and Kevin discuss the importance of being a new creation in Christ and the division within the body of Christ. They also talk about the influence of culture on the church and the need for pastors and leaders to have courage and stand for truth. Kevin shares his books that address these issues, including 'Finally Free', 'Woked Up', and 'DEI and 3D'. They emphasize the importance of voting and making choices aligned with biblical principles. The conversation ends with encouragement for believers to come to the end of themselves and make it all about Christ.
Hello everyone, my name is Tim Webb and I am the founder of the Texas Leadership Summit, and today we have a special guest with us and I'm very excited to hear more about his life. And who we have is Kevin McGarry, and he is going to be sharing with us his passion, his life, his life experiences, and I am looking forward to getting to know him more and more as time goes by. But Kevin is an entrepreneur, author and public speaker In the arena of civic engagement. Kevin serves as chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California and is an executive with the Doug Douglas Leadership Institute and the North Star Leadership PAC. Kevin has or should I say Dr Mack? Dr Mack has many, many experiences in world technology and sales and management as a professional, but specifically over the past decade, kevin has led teams of individuals committed to developing innovative approaches to today's sociopolitical issues, with the assistance of elected officials and a myriad of community activists. Dr Mack and you can correct me if we need to change that, but he has been heavily involved with lectures, providing workshops about how to combat today's most perplexing sociocultural issues. I'm really interested, in well as hearing more about Every Black Life Matters which you have started and which is designed to counteract the emerging violence and systemic poverty in underserved, mostly black urban communities. Looking forward to hearing more about that.
Speaker 1:So, with our audience, what we try to do as our mission is to encourage the everyday leaders with faith, hope, tools to ignite a revival in Christian leadership in the pillars of church, government, education and business. And brother, you are fully equipped to encourage these everyday leaders, and there's a lot happening in our world today, and so I want to thank you. We've had some scheduling things to get this day together, but I think, in the world that you and I live in, we know that we have an enemy who is constantly at work, just as much as we are, to combat what we're trying to accomplish, and so I just want to open the floor right away, just our time together, and just allow you to explain to our leaders and we're talking moms and dads, to pastors, businessmen and women. I would love for them to first hear about yourself and your passion and what ignited your passion for leadership today.
Speaker 2:Oh, good, good. So first of all, pastor Tim, I really appreciate you having me here. It's a real honor and privilege for me. You and I met only a little bit ago and since then we've been kindred spirits and tracking each other and texting each other and just enjoying the fellowship. So I appreciate you, brother. I wanted to just say a little bit about where I come from, because when you look at me just today and with all the things around, you don't really understand sort of the path that the Lord has put me on. So let me give you just a brief glimpse of that. I was born and raised in San Francisco in the 1960s. So during the you know Hunter's Point you know Hunter's Point is a project housing, big project housing was a big project housing in San Francisco. I was born up there and that's where the you know Black Panthers, their headquarters was. That's where they started in the 1960s.
Speaker 2:So that's the kind of environment I was born into and then ultimately we moved out of that environment, went into a lower middle class community in San Francisco. My parents are still there today, married 64 years, and they're just incredible pillars of society and great representatives for the kingdom. But I was raised in that kind of environment, went to a public school, did all the crazy things that your, you know, your typical inner city hoodlums would do, and you know, and so that was kind of my upbringing. I mean it was, you know, strictly, you know, progressive San Francisco, you know, during times of civil unrest and all that kind of stuff, and so so I did that. But you know, the good thing is is my father came home every night and even though he was a virulent alcoholic I mean he was, you know, out of his mind drunk every night.
Speaker 2:But he came home every night and my mom said look, you better bring home those good grades or I'm going to sick your drunk daddy on you. So she kept me in line with that, I mean. And so he came home every night. I got good grades, even though I was in an inner city public school. That really wasn't academically really good academically, you know, really good but it's fine. I excelled there and because of that I, uh, at the end of you know, high school I didn't really know what to do. Nobody really gave me direction on what, what I should do. I mean, they weren't pushing me to college or anything like that.
Speaker 2:They you know, mom worked at the post office. He said look, just get a job at the post office at UPS, you'll be fine. And I said well, you know, I got kind of good grades. Let me just see what I can do. I went to San Jose State. I got immediately accepted into San Jose State went to San Jose.
Speaker 2:State went a little bit away from home, but not here. Here you got a guy who was born into abject poverty, raised in inner city hoodlum type life. Go to San Jose state sociology, intense Marxism, and so that's. That was, that was my worldview and that was my world until I decided to take the Lord seriously when I met the love of my life. Now we've been married 37 years and we got discipled and we said look, you know, we look at every domain of our life. And we said, you know, we put everything under the blood of the cross except this one area, and it was our area of civic engagement. We said, well, what do we do with that? Now, she was born in inner city Detroit. I was born in inner city San Francisco.
Speaker 2:And we said, well, I mean, you know, I don't know. I mean I guess we continue to vote the way we've been voting right. And we both had to check in our spirit, like no, no, check out the platforms. Now you have to understand. Nobody came to us, nobody told us anything about Republicanism or conservatism, nothing.
Speaker 2:It was God lifting the veil on purpose so the rest of the path in life could be laid out. So he lifted the veil long enough for us to see the platforms and then realize that we have been voting against ourselves than doing ourselves harm, unwittingly, you know, just out of tradition and you know blind allegiance, right, right and so. So that realization was really historic. I mean it was like wow. So we didn't know anything about really voting for Reagan in his second term or anything like that. That was around the time and we said, look, if we just trust God, it doesn't matter, we can vote for whoever we want. I mean, it doesn't matter. So from that time we've been conservative. We don't really care about parties like that, like it's a major thing.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:We care about righteousness though, we're sincere about godliness, amen. So we tell everybody look, we're not, you know, democrat republican. We're christocrats or, uh, or godlicans, you know, uh, because that's, that's our motivation. We just want to honor the king, right? Yeah, so, uh. So we've been voting that way ever, ever since time. Now we have no problem voting for a Democrat, no problem at all. Except we just can't find one that conforms to the word of God and that's sincere. I mean, this is from a guy who was raised in that, steeped in that. I get it, but it just doesn't comport. I can't make it fit. How do you make that cross?
Speaker 1:over or reconcile those things? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How do you make that cross over or reconcile those things? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And so, uh, so that was that. And then, after we really kind of laid down our lives and and just said Lord, look, let's make a shape us whatever you want us to be, he started to do some supernatural things in our life. And you know, these books started to come supernaturally. When I write books, I to come supernaturally when I write books, I don't toil over it.
Speaker 1:I never had an ambition or desire to write books.
Speaker 2:But you know, holy Spirit speaks and gives me a download, and I'm just you know, so it really is a supernatural event, and so I have seven books now. Most recent is Free to Be Servant and Slave, and it's really about our life as, as you know, christ followers, and how that should be, you know, laid out, and how we should be aware of what's really happening uh, in in the world, uh, around us and how we make a difference, to continue to be salt and light even in the midst of immense darkness.
Speaker 2:I mean, right now, what we're going through is, wow, so so that's just sort of cliff notes, um, right, and uh, oh, one last thing. So, um, so, yeah, I'm involved in technology, uh, and then, of course, they're right, but also started. Every black life matters, okay, uh, the reason why we started that is we saw what BLM were doing to our communities burning, looting, causing all kinds of racial strife in those communities four years ago, in 2020. And then we bridged too far was when we saw pastors encouraging their parishioners to go out and participate with BLM. This is bizarre, because BLM at that time their website said we're revolutionary Marxists, we're, uh, you know, anti-family we're. We're wanting to dismantle the nuclear family. Uh, we want to dismantle masculinity. You know all these things that are completely antithetical to faith foundations, right?
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And yet we had pastors. Yeah, go out with BLM, you know. And we said, well, okay, so clearly we have people of faith who want to, you know, express what they saw, the sorrow of what they saw with George Floyd. But this organization is not how you do that. So we need a righteous and faithful alternative to BLM. So we started Every Black Life Matters. Now some people would say, well, doesn't that still divide us? Because you say Every Black Life Matters instead of All Lives Matter, every Life Matters. And I say no, no, actually, it does say that All Lives Matter and Every Life Matter. Every black life matters instead of all lives matter. Every life matters. And I say no, no, actually it does say that all lives matter and every life matter. Then they look at me like, how does that work? And so let me explain. Um, when margaret sanger, founder of planned parenthood, decided that to start her abortuaries in various clinics, uh, she specifically started it to exterminate blacks.
Speaker 2:Yes, she does Her exact quote is we don't want the word to get out, but we want to thoroughly exterminate the Negro population. That was her. So she had specific target of the black community, right? She didn't say we wanted to destroy and exterminate blacks and Hispanics, or blacks and Asians. She said blacks, period. Blacks and Hispanics, or blacks and Asians. She said blacks, period.
Speaker 2:So when we say every black life matters to, what we're basically expressing is look, you know, blacks should be able to be born. At the very least, even if you're not a faith person but you're a moral person, right, at the very least you should stand with us because blacks should be born at the same rate that every other ethnicity is. Blacks are being born at this rate today. This, this rate. Every other ethnicity is being born at this rate, and it's because planned parenthood is specifically, strategically targeted within a walking distance of about 80 to 90 percent of all black communities in the country today so, so everybody, that should make everybody uh outraged, because that's clear racist, uh racist strategies to, to play, to create black genocide.
Speaker 2:That's happening today. This is not like, okay, well, that was, you know, early 1900s and and the 1960s and 70s.
Speaker 2:No, it's today 90% within walking distance of Black communities. So we're illuminating that. We also say that every Black life matters too, t-o-o. So therefore, stop targeting Blacks for your you know your communistic public schools. Allow school choice, because every Black life matters too. You have all these other ethnicities, they have the resources to put their children in special schools and that kind of thing. Well, why can't we all just share the same level playing field in education by just saying look, we're going to give parents choice, we're going to give vouchers, we're going to, we're going to break this paradigm of handcuffing all black and brown students to the public school system. Break this paradigm of handcuffing all black and brown students to the public school system. And so we're saying every black life matters too when it comes to, when it comes to fatherhood, when it comes to free markets and capitalism. Let's stop. You know you're manipulating and deceiving blacks into believing that socialism is a better way.
Speaker 1:Am I getting? I'm getting wiped out here. There you go. Yeah, there's a little, it's okay.
Speaker 2:The sun is moving, and so I was going to ask about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, can you move it a little bit over? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Let me move it a little bit even further, even further. So you're in the center, yeah, you're kind of at the side. There we go. That's great, Much better. Yeah, yes, stop targeting blacks, for you know fatherlessness. Stop targeting blacks, for you know all of these. Just treat us like everybody else.
Speaker 1:Give us the same opportunities the same resources it's fine, it's no problem.
Speaker 1:Yeah, as human beings. Yeah, you know, it's the same same. Especially, one of the concerns that I have and you've mentioned this is that we're talking in society, in our communities, but even in the church. The church is falling prey to this thinking, and has for decades. So I think that's a powerful context to really have this conversation, especially based on what you've written in your latest book Free to be Servant and Slave.
Speaker 1:There's really a crisis of faith. So if our everyday leaders our parents, moms and dads, our community leaders, people in the local community if they take what you've written in your latest book, if they take it to heart, it forces us into a crisis of faith where we have to make some decisions, and you mentioned that in your book. We have free will. There's really two paths, and we see it in God's word there's the path of death and destruction and the path of life and freedom, of death and destruction and the path of life and freedom, and so I like how you just nail that down and people come to a point or a place in life where they have to make a decision.
Speaker 1:Unfortunately, as you've also written in your book, the lies and the deceptions of Satan. They are slave to that and so I really appreciate how you highlight that before we go on, because there's so much that you're involved, it seems that you're involved with and what you're trying to accomplish. When you and your wife made that decision to follow righteousness, to vote led by Christ and his righteousness, Did you receive some pushback? Because now in our community and other local communities there's this fear factor. What were some of the things that you experienced, you and your wife experienced in that time?
Speaker 2:Well, my wife and I are fiercely independent, and so we don't care. We, you know, we, we you know, honestly, we, we just you know it's, it's us and God in our, you know our household and he leads guys and direct us and we trust him with that Right. So we don't really care what other people say about our beliefs. I mean, this is, this is a personal decision, Sure, so yeah, we had, we had family members in that saying oh yeah, you know why are y'all doing this and this?
Speaker 2:and that we said, look, you know, if you want to have a conversation, sincere conversation, because both my wife and I are studied and the principles of politics and principles of the Bible, so we make some connections that are really inconvenient for people and so we say, look, if you want to have this conversation, we can have that conversation, but you're not going to be happy at the end because I'm going to hold you accountable to the Word of God. So if you really want to do this, we can do it, we can go down this road.
Speaker 2:And I think that's what we have to be within the body of christ. There's too many of us that are cowardly. Uh, you know and I don't say that disparagingly, I I say that, you know, we, we, we just want to keep the peace. We, we don't want to. You know the wrath and retribution of family members and friends. We don't want to be isolated or not included in future events because of our stance. Well, it's way past time where the body of Christ needs to stand up. We're past that time. Others to manifest their coercive, diabolical, satan-inspired ways over us without us standing up and saying no, no, wait, wait, wait, time out. No, we're not going that way.
Speaker 2:Right, and this is why. So we need to be more adept in the Word of God, the principles of who God is and what Jesus did, and the principles within the political realm that we're currently participating in, so we can help people, not to just set them straight. Now, that's pride. No, we want to help people, right? You know, I don't want any of my family to be deceived and manipulated and abused by this system, this matrix. That's purely demonic. I mean, I love them. I don't want them to be deceived that way, right? And so what compels me is not. Well, I know so much and I, you know, hey, I studied. No, that's not it, it's, I want to help my family.
Speaker 2:I want to help my community Right, and the only way to help them is if they know the truth.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:Now, sometimes, community Right, and and the only way to help them is if they know the truth, that's right. Uh, now, sometimes they may not want to hear the truth, and I respect, okay, I don't, I don't want to be, I don't want to antagonize anyone. So I back up. If they say, no, we, you know, we're not going to go, Okay, that's fine. But don't expect you to just say you know, keep coming at me. Well, why are you always voting Republican? Why are you conservative? Don't do that to me, because you open up the door, and if you open up the door we have to go there. But I'm going to stand on, I'm going to be nice, but I'm going to stand on principles to help you to come along so you begin to see the truth. So that's how we all should be. I mean, you know the world is perishing. We are very, very close to you, know our ultimate, you know whatever the end of time. Let's just put it like that.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And this is there's no more plain tiddlywinks. Now we have people that are literally dying every day by virtue of, you know, jab or whatever. Whatever you want to say about that I don't know what kind of platform this is on, so I can't go into that but we have seen people just drop it, you know. You know strokes just dropping dead for whatever reason. So that means we have a cycle of intense depopulation going on right now, and we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring to any of us. So we should care enough about people to say, look, I'm going to. If I get an opportunity to open the door, we're going to have this conversation. Now, you know, if you don't want to have the conversation, that's fine, but just know that I'm a brother here. That's standing on truth. I'm standing on business, God's business, and so we can always have that conversation.
Speaker 1:Have you been able to find community with local church in your area, with a pastor who is leading out? In this light, there's a few.
Speaker 2:There's a few that I'm connected to here locally.
Speaker 1:Again, I'm in California, northern.
Speaker 2:California, and so there's a few I mean, but it's very few.
Speaker 1:You made that sound like you're in the wilderness.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, california baby. So there's a few, but very few, and there's no black pastors. So let me just put it like that All the pastors I'm connected here with locally are Caucasian white pastors, and I think that's because the black community has been so thoroughly brainwashed, quite honestly, with black liberation theology and other types of theologies, that sort of weave a little bit of Marxism into the gospel message. So we have this syncretism that's going on right now. It's pervasive throughout all churches, but in particular it's been a barrier with with black pastors, and so that's that's an issue, and everybody who knows me, my black pastor friends, they know I'm flat footed, honest and straightforward.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:I'm going to tell you the truth, right, and if I need to bust you out openly in front of your parishioners, I'll do that. But I don't want anybody to be deceived, and we should not. None of us should, should want that. So, if so, they don't invite me in, because they know I'm I'm a flat-footed, plain-spoken brother and I'm going to bring it out. You're going to bring the truth, yeah, I mean that's just right everybody should want to.
Speaker 2:No one should want to be deceived and live a life of deception and delusions. Everybody should want to be set free. So, um, but you know, some people are so thoroughly brainwashed that the the possibility that a different you know the real truth coming, which is different from what they, where they stand, is.
Speaker 1:You know it's a threat, so yeah, Well, would you, would you mind sharing some of your immediate to long-term goals, Some of the things that you're excited about, what's coming down the down the road for? You and you know how, how we might be able to encourage others in this journey with you, how you know, out of any of those goals are there some things that in everyone's local community there's a tie to that.
Speaker 2:But I personally would love to hear these goals.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so the goals are this you know, fundamentally, what we do at Every Black Life Matters we're trying to make a difference in culture. We realize that culture is really the driver, for it has a huge impact on faith. It has a huge impact on our perceptions about race and ethnicities, and so Every Black Life Matters is really we need support as we go out and stand in the gap. We have a lot of people that are completely smitten with MSNBC, cnn, urban League, naacp, congressional Black Caucus, all of these you know sort of black, ethnic uh. You know organizations as well, and so what we're trying to do is to be that difference. We want to present in a completely different, logical, principled, truth-based, faith-based alternative to a lot of these. You know organizations that have been infiltrated by grotesque Marxism or communism, even, and um, and so we want to be that, that different organization. And it takes, you know, takes some, some, some time and it takes resources for us to be able to make that impact and have those different alternative messaging uh platforms to do that. So we have a. We have an aggressive social media campaign that will be constantly putting out messages, positive messages, that unify us. We also have training that's online Anybody and everybody can take it. You can go to our website, everyblmcom everyblmcom and you can take your racial unity training. We have some organizations, including some churches, that are being coerced into. You know, check, check in the box has everyone in your you know all of your leaders been taking any sensitivity training or racial training, whatever they want to call it? Well, instead of saying well no, or inviting these crazy Marxist leftists in, uh of saying well no, or inviting these crazy Marxist leftists in, you can take it online from every Black Life Matters certification. We'll do the whole bit. We also have I also have training on DEI diversity, equity and inclusion and that's on my Locals channel. So if you go to localscom and type in the DEI guy, that's me and I keep you and I have modules of training out there for diversity, equity, inclusion. So if you get pressure from the FCC about you know your organization needed to take some level of diversity training. Or you can go to my website or go to the locals channel the DEI guy, join that community and you can take the training. Or go to the locals channel the DEI guy, join that community and you can take the training. It's self-paced and you can take it Say that you've gone through the training from the DEI guy and you've met the qualifications. So those are the types of things that. And then also I have constant updates on that channel with what's happening within the world of DEI.
Speaker 2:Dei is ubiquitous, it's everywhere and it's inescapable. Now I know it's on the wane, which is a wonderful thing. We applaud that, but there it's so deeply entrenched in all of our uh government agencies, including uh globally, so esg, environmental, globally, so ESG environmental, social governance, social that aspect of social is CRT, dei and all the other, you know, anti-racist type stuff that they would say fits that social grade. So we have a lot of pressures globally now that are enforcing DEI standards for global organizations, and so this is an important thing that we need to address from our perspective, from our side. So I'm not going to have you do anything Marxist, crazy, progressive, none of that. It's all principle, it's faith-based, it's moral, and you get that kind of training from us, and so those are the types of things that you can do immediately. It's self-paced, you can just sign up that kind of training from us, and so those are the types of things that you can do immediately.
Speaker 2:It's self-paced. You can just sign up, go to EverBLM, go to the DEI Guy on Locals and you get that type of training. The other thing I would encourage everybody to do is, I think you would you've read this, Pastor Tim, and would you endorse it? I would.
Speaker 1:Do you endorse it? I think it's a great conversation and you you've written it in conversational format and and then, and you've given some great nuggets, some great nuggets there.
Speaker 2:And and I think what was really important for me in doing this book, the subtitle is finally breaking free of all bondage as a new creation in Christ. So 2 Corinthians 5 has always been a bit of a conundrum for me because I thought, well, if all of us except Jesus and all of us are then by default. If you read it quickly, 2 Corinthians 5, it seems like, well, yeah, we're all new creations. I say, well, how is there so much of a division within the body of Christ? And the Holy Spirit really helped me with that. He says no, not everybody's new creation, nope, nope. And so if you read this book, it helps you to understand that there is some, you know, there's a prerequisite, there is a predicate for being a new creation of Christ. Okay, Right.
Speaker 2:The other one is I want to encourage them to get is uh, woke up. Uh, this, this, this, this one deals with uh uh the woke ism and helps you to understand uh, about white supremacy and racism, where that all comes from, how it starts fully footnoted, it really fully, you know, illuminates the whole, you know.
Speaker 1:You're adding to my reading list. I'm never going to get caught up.
Speaker 2:And then the last is the excuse me, dei in 3D. So it thoroughly explains DEI from a perspective of just what it is. You know, a lot of people just don't know where does this come from, what it is, how we got to this point, and so DEI in 3D. 3d meaning a 3D view, three-dimensional view what's happening, and so it takes you through that. So all of those books can be acquired via Amazon. You can just type in my name, kevin McGarry, or type in the titles of those books and you get access.
Speaker 1:So those are the types of things we're doing right now.
Speaker 2:We'll add some links.
Speaker 1:We'll add some links to our, our website as well. So, and um I you know, as we're working together, we're we're on the same team here. So I think one of the things that we desire to do is connect people, connect network for the kingdom of God to advance his kingdom. We know the king is going to return. You talked about that new creation In the meantime, because it's when. The question is, when will he establish his kingdom? And in the meantime, we are to endure.
Speaker 1:Well, we continue to struggle with our sinful nature and, unfortunately, pastors have fallen prey to not confronting and not holding accountable. So it takes courage to do what you're asking of us, brother. That's something that the church needs, pastors need. I love what you said about you and your wife being independent thinkers. You're not concerned about what people think but, at the same time, being driven by love, love for Christ.
Speaker 1:You write about that. You write about that love and devotion to Christ as our master and Lord. So while we wait for his return I think I've read it somewhere we're to encourage one another to love and good deeds while we wait for his return. So we need to be courageous, we need to fear the Lord.
Speaker 1:What I see on your countenance, and when we met there in San Antonio at the GOP state convention, at the first Judeo-Christian caucus meeting, what I saw was a heart that fears the Lord. Therefore, you don't have to fear anyone else, and so I appreciate that about you so much. And so what we are striving to do and I have a heart for pastors, I have a heart for leaders, and I want them to be encouraged in their faith to have the courage to stand, and so, as as as we are sharing in this, as we are on this path together, anything we can do to to encourage them to have that courage, and I think it begins. It begins with what you have written about, what you have lived and what you've stated, and so I'm encouraged by your walk, brother, oh, thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much. You know it really. It's amazing what happens. When we really seriously lay it all down for the Lord, right, then he gives us the courage and the conviction to just go forth. Right Then he gives us the courage and the conviction to just go forth. When you look at all of the great apostles, after Christ ascended and gave them the mandate to just go forth, they were all all the way to the end. They were all martyred in horrible, unconscionable ways. You kill people like that and they went valiantly.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, go ahead, you cut off my head, boil me in oil, it doesn't matter, you know. I know what. I know he is risen, he is lower, you know. It's that kind of conviction that we need today.
Speaker 2:So often, though, we see people trying to syncretize their culture. I used that term before and I'm going to go delve in a little bit on that, if you don't mind. Sure, we understand that the culture is is is fully infused with demons. Now, if anybody's listening and they don't see it you know I don't know what to say and they don't see it, I don't know what to tell you. Just look at what's happening in the world, look at what's happening around us, look at what's happening with our children, look at what's happening with our community. So if we take that as the start point, and we know that the number one objective of our foe is to steal, kill and destroy objective of our foe is to steal, kill and destroy, how do we, as pastors in or ministers, want to partner with culture by way of syncretizing? Right, knowing that it is a it's infused with this idea of stealing, killing and destroying?
Speaker 2:right why would we want any part of that? Do you understand?
Speaker 1:I understand completely what you're saying and so.
Speaker 2:But yet we see churches and you know it's fine. I mean, we got different types of things that you know. But they bend over backwards for Gen Z, gen X, gen Y, and it's like well, jesus gave us the remedy for his church. He said if I be lifted up, I'll do the drawing. You don't have to do any. You know fog machines, dim the lights. You know it looks like a nightclub skinny jeans, you don't have to do any of that. Right, can we just lift up Jesus and trust that he will bring the folks in, bring in the harvest? Amen, for many pastors.
Speaker 2:No, they want to just build their church, they want to build their fiefdom, their kingdom unto themselves, and they don't have time to wait for Jesus to bring the harvest. So they're going to try anything. They're going to bring in, you know, secular artists. They're going to bring in pseudo secular Christian artists. They're going to bring in some pseudo Christian rappers like the Cray, who's, you know, really lost his way in my opinion and try to cater to a particular mindset. Well, when you start making these types of adjustments to syncretize with a demonic culture, then guess who's being influenced? It's not us being the salt and the light. It's us our salt losing all its flavor.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:And the world's not really seeing a distinction right now. They're like oh, so I can dress like this in the world, I can dress like this in church, I could party like this in the world, I could party like this in church. I could you know what are we doing here? I mean, and so it makes no sense.
Speaker 2:It makes no sense. And then when we have, like the church of God and Christ came out last week, bishop Schur I think that's what he calls himself comes out and says, look, we're church of God and Christ and we're with her Talking about Connelly. I thought, yeah, we're really. You know, just bowing down to. You know the demonic culture. We have no standards.
Speaker 2:When he made that proclamation, the Church of God in Christ is the largest African-American church denomination in the United States over 10 million members. So when he made that proclamation he didn't say anything about her. When she came out to announce that she's the nominee for the Democrat, now that Biden's out, she did that at RuPaul's drag show. She didn't go to his church, but he didn't mention that. He didn't mention the fact that she you know, she really you know one of her number one priorities to make sure that we continue to mutilate our children, defile them in their minds and mutilate them at early ages, like five, seven, eight years old, right, so they don't even know about any of this stuff, this sex, gender, crazy stuff that we're. They're being taught but they're being manipulated and destroyed and she wants to continue that. Make sure that that's wide open for these babies, right To mutilate them early.
Speaker 2:You know, scheer didn't mention that. She's the one that says look, we're going to make it a federal mandate that you can abort your child to and through birth. These are all things that are completely antithetical, right. These are anathema to the Bible. So why would anybody say I will with her, other than you're compromised, you're participating with the demonic realm at some level.
Speaker 1:You've joined with the spirit of the Antichrist. You've joined with the spirit of the.
Speaker 2:Antichrist.
Speaker 1:You've joined with the spirit of the Antichrist.
Speaker 2:Yes, you have.
Speaker 1:You have.
Speaker 2:And you know, some people say, well, that's being judgment. No, no, we're seeing with our own eyes what's happening here. So, yeah, we can make some assessments about where people are. This is what we do. We should judge. The word says judge a fruit, judge a tree by its fruit that it produces, and that's what we're doing.
Speaker 2:We're taking a look at the mnemonic culture, we're taking a look at the trajectory of the church and we're saying, look, this needs to stop and we need to confront it. This needs to stop and we need to confront it. So, if we have an opportunity to confront some of these people, we should say, look, I'm scratching my head because I'm not understanding what you're doing. I'm reading the word of God and I'm not seeing what you're doing. I can't see how it correlates. Maybe you can help me. Yeah, sincerely, right. And so these are types of things that we need enough people that have the fortitude, that have the capacity to stand, to go ahead and take those stands with, even with so-called Christian leaders. It's fine, we're all in this together. So we should all want to sharpen each other and reason together and grow together. So nobody should be exempt from any kind of criticism.
Speaker 1:You would think that you would think that you would think that you would hope that that we'd be on the same team. Well, are there any parting words of encouragement to our everyday leaders in the local community? You've already given us how to join in with you and how to connect. We've got some people. I asked that in light of. We have some individuals in our local communities that are seeing things for the first time. They're seeing the truth, and once you see something, you cannot unsee it, and so any parting words of encouragement for some of these individuals who are getting on this trail of seeking truth?
Speaker 2:Yeah. So we have a major election coming up and we have people that, within the body of Christ, that are being I don't know whether it's being sanctimonious or they're just trying to come up with with excuses for not participating in this election right, or for voting a particular way, all right. So the parting advice that I would encourage us all is look, read Exodus 18, 20. And that's the story. Is this Jethro Moses comes to. Jethro is complaining Look, we got all these people were spread out. You know, hundreds of thousands of us spread out in the wilderness. I can't control all these people, I have no idea. Jethro goes to the Lord. God tells him look, tell Moses to create a representative government and where the people can vote for who's going to represent their particular subset of the tribe and break them down into smaller subsets and they have their local representative. This is how we got our representative government. This is how we got our representative government. The admonition that God gave Jethro was he says make sure to tell Moses, do this as I, not desire, not wish, as I, god, command. We have a command to participate in the hiring, if you will, the electing, of our, of our representative. So if you want to be sincere with the word of God and you want to be you know not, you know a rebel, then you vote.
Speaker 2:Now, what's a godly vote? Well, some people would say well, you know, I just look at you, know my tradition and I'm a person of faith. And a godly vote is, however, I vote no, no, no, no, stop it. Or a godly vote is vote my values no, no, no, because some of us value a woman, some of us value a black Right or some other ethnicity. Don't vote your values. This is not about you, this is about him. See, there's this peculiar thing that happened when we all committed ourselves to the Lord. We made him savior yeah, our eternal bind by secure, by salvation, but we also made him Lord. That means he's our master. That means our vote is not our vote.
Speaker 1:It's his vote.
Speaker 2:So we shouldn't feel anything about pulling the lever for any party, it doesn't matter, it's his. Now some people say well, you know, nobody godly is running. Stop it, stop, stop, right there. Genesis 1 tells us the entire foundational principles of who God is. God created the heaven and the earth.
Speaker 2:Okay, so if God created the heaven and the earth, then we need to vote for somebody who believes that God is and that he created the heaven and the earth. Then we need to vote for somebody who believes that God is and that he created the heaven and the earth, not someone who believes that. Well, you know, the earth is all of our responsibility. It's going to burn up in five years and we have to do all this stuff. You're not believing in that God is in control of his earth. No, we should be good stewards of it, but God created it. He is in control of his earth. No, he should be good stewards of it, but God created it. He's in control of it. He knows when the ultimate time is that it fades away, if ever. Number two God created male and female, adam and Eve, two, two biological species with XX and XY chromosomes. So you vote for somebody that comports with that, not somebody that says look, there's 140 different genders. I mean, this is fundamental.
Speaker 1:Fundamental.
Speaker 2:And then God says be fruitful and multiply. So God created families and he wanted us to be fruitful and multiply. So that means you vote for those that comport with the multiplication, not depopulation. Right, Right.
Speaker 1:There's one side that says no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:We need to, you know, allow the deletion of children at even up to and after birth. There's one side that says, well, there could be some exceptions, but you know, no, this is God's doing and we should now it may not. You know pro-life and all that. You know some of the incrementalism that goes along with that is is not good for some people. I get it, I understand, but we have to vote for those things that are more closely aligned with the character of God.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:Does it make any sense to you, Pastor Tim?
Speaker 1:Absolutely. I mean, there's only one choice for us, there's only one choice. There's only one choice.
Speaker 2:We don't want to tell you how to vote. We think of the to tell you how to vote. We think the Holy Spirit and your fervency with the Word of God will give you what he commands. But we want to encourage you to do that. Don't just oh, I'm not going to vote because neither one of them are any good.
Speaker 1:No, when you don't vote, you allow then things to stay as they are Right, which, in essence, is a vote. It is a vote.
Speaker 2:You're always voting. Anybody on your team is voting Period.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And the only way to vote a particular way that navigates to the way that you feel that the Lord is leading, or that is more in line with God, is for you to actively vote. Right, if you don't vote at all, you're passively voting, but you are voting.
Speaker 1:You are voting.
Speaker 2:And you're voting for the status quo, which would mean the existing power structure. That's there, right? The only way to change that is to actively vote for a different structure.
Speaker 1:That's it.
Speaker 2:That's right. So let's not deceive ourselves, folks. A lot of us are in. We're deluded and deceived, and the media is playing on that. They want to divide the church To say look at his stance on abortion changes and therefore he don't deserve your vote. Vote third party vote. This is come on, let's let's be wise as serpents and gentlest doves. Come on, let's be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. But let's be wise, let's understand what's happening here. They're dividing the body of Christ so they can generate more votes for their person.
Speaker 2:So that's the other clear admonition I would give is that we have to do that together and be wise in this season. Does that help, Pastor Tim?
Speaker 1:That helps tremendously, and we're excited about the opportunity, even though it is chaotic and crazy seems like. But this is the way the world has been going since the beginning of the fall, and so I want to thank you so much, dr Kevin McGarry. I am really excited about learning more about what you're doing and how the Lord may connect us even more in the future, and encouraging leaders how to encourage men and women to stand for their faith. I love it. I want to close with this.
Speaker 1:I read in your book freed to be servant and slave. When you came to the end of yourself, it really began coming to the end of myself, and that truly is a statement I think every believer needs to look at coming to the end of themselves and making about Christ. I know when I did that personally, my life exploded with excitement, opportunity. The journey, adventure took off for my wife and myself as well. So I want to thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for what you've done, thank you for what you're doing, and I'm looking forward to what is going to happen in the near future. Brother, thank you for your you've done, thank you for what you're doing, and I'm looking forward to what is going to happen in the near future. Brother, thank you for your gift of time. Congratulations on your doctorate, congratulations on the open doors. God is providing for you and I want to be in prayer that God will continue to give you the strength to walk through those doors and stay in the fight. We need you, brother. Stay in the fight.
Speaker 1:We'll be praying for you and your wife as well You're a team and for your family. We're in the marathon. We're in the marathon. So thank you so much, brother. Looking forward to it.